Saturday, September 25, 2010

Photohunter - Natural...

The weather down these parts is about as natural as it comes in a maritime climate.
Taken mid-August in a local park. Tech details not material as it has been processed from colour RAW file to B/W.
I like it.


  1. A superb photo with a melancholy beauty. I love it

  2. There's something haunting about this shot. Is that a drop of water at the tip?

  3. Oh my, this picture is absolutely perfect for black and white. I just love the tiny image of the trees in the water droplet. Superb.

  4. Lovely and sad....

  5. Thanks for the kind comments.

    I agree, it might seem a somewhat melancholic image but there was a quite different idea in my mind when I took the photo.

    I started with water - we had too little last summer and August was the wettest for many years. My sister recorded about double the average rainfall for August on her farm up north, while the total for the year is 84% of average. It is the essential for life.

    To have the future life of a tree cradled in a drop of water was just too good an image to waste.

    Oh, and to fill in the rest of the story, the presented image is about 25% of the total image taken. It was taken with the intention that it would be cropped, and really pushed the limits of the Lumix (hand-held). I had about 2 minutes between drips; I had to maximise its size to get the tree image in there; it was drizzling rain and so protecting the camera became a problem as well; the DOF was about 5mm...
